每天取2-3滴用在脸部和颈部,按摩至完全吸收;亦可搭配其它护肤品使用。欲有更好效果,建议每天早晚皆使用,可在涂抹过ArctaPHOS滋养爽肤液(Tonic Lotion),与多重保护日霜(Multi-Protect Day Moisturizer) 或晚间修护霜(Night Repair)之后使用。
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Professional Innovation Beauty Brand Award – Nanyang Superb Brand Awards
ArctaPHOS received the Professional Innovation Beauty Brand Award at the Nanyang Superb Brand Awards 2020. This prestigious accolade has recognized our commitment to excellence and innovation in the beauty industry. We are honored to be acknowledged as a leader in delivering innovative solutions that cater to the evolving needs of our customers. This award further motivates us to continue pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the beauty sector. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Nanyang Superb Brand Awards for this esteemed recognition and to all our supporters for their unwavering trust in our brand. Together, we will keep advancing and redefining beauty with cutting-edge products and services.
Nanyang Superb Brand Award – Excellence Professional Cosmetic Brand Award
ArctaPHOS proudly received the Nanyang Superb Brand Award – Excellence Professional Cosmetic Brand Award in 2023, a prestigious honor that recognizes our exceptional brand reputation and unwavering commitment to innovation and quality in the professional cosmetic industry. This accolade highlights our success in achieving success brand growth and our dedication to delivering top-tier beauty solutions. We are grateful for this recognition, which inspires us to continue our journey toward redefining the standards of professional beauty.
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